美丽51网2024年12月30日 16:33:543
一、Neutrogena 露得清
Neutrogena 露得清是一个来自美国的品牌,以其温和而有效的护肤产品而闻名,它的磨砂膏含有微小的磨砂颗粒,能够轻柔地去除皮肤表面的死皮细胞,同时不会对皮肤造成过度刺激,这款磨砂膏适合各种肤质,特别是油性和混合性皮肤,它的主要成分包括水杨酸和甘油,能够深层清洁毛孔,去除黑头和粉刺,同时保持皮肤的水分。
二、St. Ives 圣艾芙
St. Ives 圣艾芙是一个历史悠久的美国品牌,以其天然温和的护肤产品而受到消费者喜爱,它的磨砂膏采用天然胡桃壳颗粒,能够温和地去除皮肤表面的死皮细胞,使肌肤光滑细嫩,这款磨砂膏适合各种肤质,特别是干性和敏感性皮肤,它的主要成分包括杏仁油和燕麦提取物,能够滋润皮肤,舒缓敏感,同时提供抗氧化保护。
三、The Body Shop 美体小铺
The Body Shop 美体小铺是一个英国的天然护肤品牌,以其环保和动物友好的理念而备受推崇,它的磨砂膏含有天然矿物颗粒,能够去除皮肤表面的死皮细胞,同时为肌肤提供滋润和营养,这款磨砂膏适合各种肤质,特别是干性和敏感性皮肤,它的主要成分包括乳木果油和椰子油,能够深层滋润皮肤,改善皮肤干燥和粗糙的问题。
四、Biore 碧柔
Biore 碧柔是一个来自日本的品牌,以其温和而有效的清洁产品而受到消费者喜爱,它的磨砂膏含有细小的磨砂颗粒,能够温和地去除皮肤表面的死皮细胞,同时保持皮肤的水分,这款磨砂膏适合各种肤质,特别是油性和混合性皮肤,它的主要成分包括天然薄荷精华和维生素 E,能够清凉舒缓肌肤,同时提供抗氧化保护。
* @brief Create a new state machine from a JSON configuration file.
* @param[in] config_path Path to the JSON configuration file
* @param[in] type Type of the state machine
* @param[in] error Optional error handler callback
* @return A pointer to the new state machine, or NULL if an error occurred
* This function reads the given JSON configuration file and creates a new state machine from it.
* The function parses the JSON data and creates a new state machine based on the provided type.
* If the JSON data is invalid, an error is returned.
* The JSON file must be a valid JSON document that follows the JSON state machine specification.
* The JSON format is described in theSystemC::lang::sm
module documentation.
* If the function succeeds, the function returns a pointer to the newly created state machine.
* Otherwise, an error is returned and an error message is printed to stderr.
* The function is templated over the type of the state machine to allow for compile-time polymorphism.
* \param config_path The path to the JSON configuration file
* \param type The type of the state machine to create
* \param error A pointer to the error handler callback function
* \return A pointer to the newly created state machine, or NULL if an error occurred
* The function returns NULL if an error occurred and an error message is printed to stderr.
* The error message format is:
* "Failed to parse JSON configuration file '%s': %s"
* where '%s' is the path to the JSON configuration file.
* The error message is printed using the standard error stream.
template<typename StateMachineType, typename ErrorHandler>
StateMachine* StateMachine::createFromJSONFile(const std::string& config_path, ErrorHandler error) {
// Open the JSON file
std::ifstream file(config_path);
if (!file.is_open()) {
std::cerr << "Failed to open JSON configuration file '" << config_path << "': " << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
return nullptr;
// Parse the JSON data
tinyxml2::XMLElement* root = new tinyxml2::XMLElement("root");
if (!file.Parse(root)) {
std::cerr << "Failed to parse JSON configuration file '" << config_path << "': " << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
return nullptr;
// Create the state machine
StateMachine* state_machine = new StateMachineType;
if (!state_machine->createFromXML(root)) {
std::cerr << "Failed to create state machine '" << config_path << "': " << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
return nullptr;
// Return the newly created state machine
return state_machine;